Friday, March 23, 2007
Top 10 April Fools Pranks at The Office
One-Third of Workers Admit to Playing Jokes on Co-Workers on April Fools day

Time to dust off the whoopee cushions and hand buzzers. April Fool's Day is just around the corner and hijinks isin order at the office. Thirty-three percent of workers report they have played a practical joke on a co-worker and 17 percent say they are planningoffice tricks for this year's holiday. This is according to's annual survey, which was completed in March 2006 and
included more than 2,500 workers.
If you are looking to play a prank on a co-worker, consider the top ten
April Fool's Day pranks from this year's survey:

1. Changed the caller ID on a co-worker's phone to read Mr. Kitten every
time he called someone.
2. Placed random objects from people's desks in the vending machine.
3. Placed a live goldfish in an IV bag in a clinic.
4. Snuck onto someone else's computer and sent out an "I love you" email
to the entire office.
5. Wall-papered someone's entire cube with headshots of his co-workers.
6. Pulled the shelves out of the break room refrigerator, hid inside and
jumped out at co-workers as they opened the door.
7. Sat on the copier and placed the copies back in the paper bin.
Anytime co-workers made copies, they had the image of the prankster's
backside in the background.
8. Turned all the clocks in the office one hour back to make the work day
seem longer.
9. Locked all the doors, shut off the lights and put a "Closed" sign in
the window when the boss went out for lunch.
10. Placed fake rubber chocolates in the break room and watched as co-
workers tried to chew them.

For more information on surveys, visit .

Survey Methodology
The new survey, "April Fool's Day at the Office 2006,"
was conducted from February 21 to March 6, 2006. Methodology used to collect
survey responses totaling more than 2,500 workers for this study involved
selecting a random sample of comScore Networks panel members. These Web Panel
members were approached via an e-mail invitation, which asked them to
participate in a short online survey. The results of this survey are
statistically accurate to within +/- 1.96 percentage points (19 times out of


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posted by Gerry at Friday, March 23, 2007 ¤ Permalink ¤